Monday, May 5, 2008


Today we had our first appointment with Catholic Charities to start our home study
for the adoption of Julmanise from HIS HOME FOR CHILDREN in Haiti. We had our initial
interview, our physicals, blood work, were fingerprinted and have begun the arduous
task of reams of paperwork. We are sooooooooo excited.
We were in Haiti, as a family, Rick, Taylor and myself to celebrate Jules 13th birthday on April 4. Our final decision was made on that visit. Wonderful birthday
celebration with Lorraine Larrew and Naphtaline(her birthday same days as Jules, so
really a combo celebration for both girls).
Rick's heart was melted into a puddle by the love Jules showed to him. Taylor instantly fell in love with Jules and we are soooooo looking forward to being a "forever family". I understand the road may be a long one at times but am asking
GOD daily to help me keep my eyes on HIM and let him open the doors to move this process along in HIS time. Of course, the humanness in me wants it yesterday, but as many of you know, it is a journey. Please pray for us that we will remain in HIS will and accept delays with grace, as HE truly is in control and these days were planned by HIM long before we started this process. I pray also that Jules will feel HIS presence and comfort throughout this journey. Thanks to ALL who are praying for us and answering many redundant questions every day.
We love you HAL and CHRIS and pray that we will be a blessing to you and HIS HOME as
you are and have been and will continue to be throughout this journey.
We are so looking forward to having our Haitian PROVERBS BEAUTY home with us SOON!

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